Today we break new ground here on the blog; posting two days in a row and an apology.
First the apology, I have to say sorry to TV. I forgot that Detroit 187 is on Tuesdays. It’s not the best show on the air right now, but it is solid, and I can watch an episode without poking my eyes out and sticking pencils in my ears. Also, they put the new episodes on Hulu, which is pretty sweet. Since TV is awesome and never lets me down, I’m sorry for bashing your Tuesday lineup as total crap since there is one ok show to watch.
What TV is missing on Tuesdays is made up for in spades on Wednesdays. There are some funny shows, Survivor, a good drama or two, but all that is inconsequential because the TV Gods give us Real World/ Road Rules Challenge Wednesdays at 10.
If you are not familiar with The Challenge or don’t like it, I have to lump you in with the people who didn’t get the Glee joke in yesterday’s post (I hate you). If you don’t like the challenge you are clearly someone who thinks far too highly of themselves, yet has low self esteem, little or no friends, and generally just no fun to be around.
The Challenge brings us everything you want to see on TV; drama, action, suspense, violence, girls, and drunk people. If watching a bunch of juiced up drunk guys almost go to fisticuffs every night over some perceived slight doesn’t put you on the edge of your seat what will? Follow that up with a bunch of tanked girls being bitchy to each other and I’m in. It might be hard to pick up half way through the season, but give it a try or there is always next season.
Since we are talking about The Challenge I have to give a big get well soon to host TJ Lavin. TJ was in a pretty bad BMX crash. He is out of the hospital and doing well. I’m sure TJ will kill it in rehab, and he’ll be good as new in no time.
That should do it for today. Tomorrow’s post should be pretty interesting.